Introduction and VRML browsers
[email protected]
Wed, 21 Jun 1995 18:21:49 -0400 (EDT)
Hi. I have been lurking on this list for the past week trying to get the
gist of the di cussion here. Here is my VR background: I am a stud>nt at MIT
working for the Res>arch Lab for Electronics Sensory Communications Group(read
VR group). Last summer I sp>nt some time working at UNC Chapel Hill's VR lab.
I am currently working for a company that develops tools for the WWW. I
am trying to link my two interests and figured this list would be a good
place to start and get a good idea of what is currently in the
developm>nt queue. So there's the intro.
I have read about several VRML browsers available for the SGI and NT, but
have seen nothing about a linux based browser. Does on> exist? I have
been s>arching other sites, but have been unable to find on>. If
Owen D. Johnson -------------------------------- voiceP (617) 577-9800
net.Genesis faxP (617) 577-9850
56 Rogers St [email protected]
Cambridge, MA 02142 ---------------------------