Actually, it would be pretty easy to write a converter, based on QvLib,
which would take a VRML page and generate an HTML page from it. Then you
could add a mailcap entry for x-world/x-vrml like this:
vrmlconvert %s > vrmltmp.html; netscape -remote 'openFile(vrmltmp.html)'
It probably would require a few tags for title text, etc. to make it
really useful, but even if it just listed all the Anchors and let you
click on the urls that would be something...
-- chris marrin Silicon (415) 390-5367 Graphics ," [email protected] Inc. b` , ,,. mP b" , 1$' ,.` ,b` ,` :$$' ,|` mP ,` ,mm ,b" b" ,` ,mm m$$ ,m ,,`P$$ m$` ,b` .` ,mm ,.`'|$P ,|"1$` ,b$P ,,` :$1 b$` ,$: :,`` |$$ ,:` $$` ,|` ,$$,,`"$$ .` :$| b$| _m$`,:` :$1 ,:` ,$Pm|` ` :$$,..;"' |$: P$b, _;b$$b$1" |$$ ,,`` ,$$" ``' $$ ```"```'" `"` `""` ""` ,P` "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."-...-' - excerpt from "A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide"