Re: Height maps, etc.

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Tue, 9 May 1995 13:18:49 -0700

> > We won't be doing anybody any favors by putting out product that is
> > to the point of being unusable. If it takes 5 megabytes to represent
> > a 200 by 200 elevation grid, people are gonna wonder what the great
> > of 3D is when it takes so long to download a scene.
> I'd like to add my agreement to this, especially in my company's
> industry (3D CAD). I've recently been creating very large VRML files
> (more than 10 megabytes) with our 3D CAD software, ...

But VRML 1.0 does have several features made specifically for performance.
The WWWInline node allows you to delay the loading of large portions of
the scene. The LOD node allows you to have several representations of the
scene at various quality levels.

Browsers can be made very smart as well. They can allow navigation while
loading WWWInline nodes and/or Textures. They can use the various leves
of detail in the LOD node to degrade the scene while moving. They can
turn off textures while moving if they are slow to render.

Finally, compress all your files using gzip. We're seeing 8:1 compression
ratios on most VRML files.

It is the author's responsibility to make a viewable scene. What is
really needed are tools to help authors produce usable scenes. These will
surely come out as VRML matures.

Adding things like NURBS may not speed up viewing. Any time you save in
data transfer will probably get sucked up converting the NURBS to
triangles. I'm not saying that things like grids and tstrips aren't good
additions, but it is very possible to make a rich yet fast scene in VRML

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics  ,"
[email protected]   Inc.    b`    ,                             ,,.
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		   - excerpt from "A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide"