Height maps, etc.

Griff Hamlin ([email protected])
Tue, 09 May 1995 12:29:13 -0700 (PDT)

Jim Terhorst wrote:
> We won't be doing anybody any favors by putting out product that is slow
> to the point of being unusable. If it takes 5 megabytes to represent
> a 200 by 200 elevation grid, people are gonna wonder what the great benefit
> of 3D is when it takes so long to download a scene.

I'd like to add my agreement to this, especially in my company's
industry (3D CAD). I've recently been creating very large VRML files
(more than 10 megabytes) with our 3D CAD software, from CAD "parts"
that are considered fairly small within our customer base.
In my industry, it would appear that ALL the various primitives
that have been discussed are needed to conserve bandwidth, and maybe some
more. These include: regular grids, irregular grids, tri-strips,
NURBS curves and surfaces, etc., etc.

In addition, for me, some form of compression of VRML files is probably
needed, or at least a more compact encoding (I think this subject has been
discussed elsewhere on this mail list).

Standard disclamer: The above opinions are my own and do not represent
any committment whatsoever by EDS/Unigraphics.

Griff Hamlin ([email protected]), EDS/Unigraphics.