I'm not familiar with Doom. Looking at the VRML 1.0 draft specification, I
don't see much more that can be done than perhaps moving around (if that
ability is provided by the browser). I don't see how the user could change
the environment, for instance. Compare VRML to designing a 3D animation:
when I design a 3D animation, I can specify pivot points, motion
restrictions, and ranges of movement, etc., for objects, so that when I
move things around they're restricted to moving in meaningful ways (making
the animation easier to do). In VRML 1.0 I don't see the ability to specify
such things. So if a broswer allowed me to open a door, for instance, what
would prevent me from pulling the door off the hinges? Or pulling a drawer
right out of the chest--or through the top of the chest?
Repeating my disclaimer: I'm a complete newbie and I've never used a VRML
browser (and can't, since I only have access to Macintoshes).
m s c h r i m s h e r @ t w i c s . c o m
Hitachi Business International, Tokyo
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