It seems that this debate is raging hot & heavy in the HTML discussion, and
that just adding something blindly will probably cause problems down the
road - as it has for HTML.
I believe much of the problem in HTML is that the coded_character_set is not
always clear. I would be happy if someone could explain how & why we
would avoid problems if we continue on and add ISO-Latin-1 text.
Glenn Adams pointed out some other resources, as well as that True Type GX
from Apple and the upcoming True Type Open from Microsoft deal with the
rendering in some reasonable way. I don't have either of those.
As for styles, HTML is looking at DSSSL-lite.
If we really wanted to put text in, we should look at ISO 10646, as it seems
be a super set of everything.
My motivation is that I once put together the proposal to fix a broken
Fixing something that is broken is harder than getting it right the first