Re: Some Questions About VRML

Andrew C. Esh ([email protected])
Mon, 27 Mar 1995 14:54:15 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 27 Mar 1995, Ed Chi wrote:

> > Yeah, many Oriental written languages are still based on ideograms. Look
> > at all the trouble the Chinese are having with computers, and
> > typewriters. It's easier to learn English.
> Not a flame. But just want to point out that Taiwan is the 3rd or 4th
> largest exporter of PC computers, and not to mention Japan's piece
> of leadership in supercomputer design in the world.


Yeah, I got raked for what I said. I didn't mean to imply that certain
people were completely computer ignorant, or that they should be left
that way. I was just trying to point out that dealing with ideogramatical
languages is not as easy as simply adding the capability too use another

In my view, those who are trying to use the PC, and many other Western
Developed systems, are reduced to the equivalent of hobbling around on
crutches, while those of us who speak English run past them at a trot. I
was suggesting that we try to avoid making yet another guess at how they
might want to use a computer, and simply provide them with a raw system,
with which they can create a more suitable solution, with our willing
help. We didn't do them much service the first go-round, and they are in
the process of making up for it with BIG5, and other systems, of which I
am aware. We need to communicate more than we need to provide solutions
for each other. Solutions should come from the collaboration which follows.

> PS: Oh yeah, haven't done a self-introduction yet to this group, but have
> been on the mailing list for about 6 months. I am the person who is also
> on the WebOOGL team at the Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota.
> I wrote the Webspace visualizer for WWW, which can be found at
> I am now a graduate student at the computer
> science dept at the U. of Minnesota.

Oh, well, you're right down the road from me then. I'll email you
privately about some local happenings you might be interested in.

Andrew C. Esh                 mailto:[email protected]
Computer Network Technology   [email protected] (finger for PGP key)
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