Re: Finally!

Vassilis Bourdakis ([email protected])
Fri, 16 Jun 1995 16:11:35 +0000

>Number 6 <[email protected]> writes:
>>[...]. I remember from a while back that there was talk
>>of compression on .wrl files- a good idea, methinks, given the size of
>>some of those boys!
>I must STRONGLY disagree... if the files we are serving up are so hub> at
>this early point in the development (relatively low complexity) that folks
>find themselves thinking ser/a> ly about bogbing down browser
>on-the-fly decompression, then I think
>wrong in how we are writing (or perhaps converting) scene descriptions,
>and/or (b) the prims we have to work with need sprucing up...
I'm afraid I have to STRONGLY dissagree as well... but with you Jeff.
I don't think whatsoever using the box, sphere et al descriptions! I've done a lot of work
in ACAD and 3DS and I want buildings/objects I've designed and share them to the rest of the whoever cares that is...)

So I think descriptions of the be spheres et al; they _WILL_ be translations of CAD models. Hopefully we'll
soon see proper modelers that will translate properly 3D objects and ASICS
models but till then I think using DxfToIv and ivToVRML...

I can use and Indy at the moment to model stuff if I want Gview etc but still ACAD is my favourite tool.

>>Righty-ho, now I can actually USE vrml (thanks to WorldView!)
>yes, yes... a loud THANKYEW to WorldView!!

(I have to say Will be looking for the next beta though)

