Re: sending VRML or HTML based on viewer

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Fri, 16 Jun 1995 09:43:06 -0700

> The way one is *supposed* to know what a client can process i from the
> HTTP_ACCEPT field that the client should be sending to the server. Note
> that Webspace does not bother to send this (hint, hint to TGS and SGI).

I would appreciate help in this area. If I make the HTTP request:

GET <url> HTTP/1.0<crlf>
Accept: x-world/x-vrml<crlf>

I believe I should only get a file of the server I have ever made this request to, I still get back an html document
if one is available. I have even set up my own netsite server with both
an index.html and a home.wrl, specified that both are valid home pages to
the server, and it still serves index.html. If I remove index.html it
serves home.wrl but I do not believe this has anything to do with the
Accept: line.

Until I can find an http server that will obey the Accept: line I cannot
put it in webspace.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics
[email protected]   Inc.         
         "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."