Re: A few notes on text

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Tue, 6 Jun 1995 19:21:02 -0700

> Again, I will say that I think using ISO 10646 and UTF8 (in
> combination with language tagging), to be a great answer to 95% of the
> worlds text-processing needs, but that is just *my* opinion; I
> designed the nodes with the opinions of *others* in mind, as well as
> my own.

I believe Gavin Nicol to be an expert in i18n. I believe Gavin Bell to be
an expert on the VRML file format. Both of them believe in UTF8. VRML is
a new format for representing 3D worlds, not a text formatting language.
We want to give the ability for anyone in the world to represent
characters in his or her language in a text string. UTF8/Unicode with a
language field accomplishes this.

Let's just support UTF8. It will be painful for a small number of authors
until decent authoring tools become available, then the problem goes away.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics
[email protected]   Inc.         
         "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."