Re: A few notes on text

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Mon, 5 Jun 1995 22:28:45 -0700

> <P>The most fundamental node type is the <TT>Text</TT> node type. It's
> basic role is to serve as a container for a string of characters. It
> is defined as:
> <PRE>
> Text {
> SFString coded_character_set
> SFString encoding
> SFString language
> SFInteger string_length
> MFOctet data

Isn't encoding just the way to get from the data to a list of integers
(each one representing a glyph)? If this is the case couldn't we pick a
single encoding to support in VRML and get rid of the encoding field?

Picking a single encoding does not restrict the language or the selection
of glyphs rendered, assuming we select an encoding that can represent
enough integers for any coded_character_set. And I thought UTF8 was such
an encoding. Since text in VRML is not nearly as fundamental as it is in
HTML, I would think that such a restriction would be acceptable to those
with an emotional attachment to another encoding.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics
[email protected]   Inc.         
         "As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."