Re: WebSpace is soooo slow

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Wed, 10 May 1995 19:03:34 -0700

> I finally got WebSpace to install here at Hofstra and quickly pulled up
> the SGI All In One Booth .wrl file. Unfortunatly moving through the
> was very slow and jerky. I first ran it on an Indy PC (R4000) then on an
> Indigo R4000XZ which is usually very fast. The SGI booth was ok on the
> Indigo but I went to Lightscape (
> and while these files are beautiful to look at moving through them is
> very slow, even at low detail. I started to think, how will this run on
> my 488DX/33 with 8 Megs and Windows 95 Beta? ...

This brings up an important issue. The pleasure of visiting a VRML world
is going to be greatly influenced by the quality of the models to be
viewed. The Lightscape models are the worst case. This is no fault of
Lightscape - their software is fantastic at producing Radiosity solved
scenes. But the result is organized poorly for the purposes of VRML.
Tools need to be made available to ease the task of reorganizing scenes
for maximum performance.

The SGI Booth that we ship with WebSpace is pretty bad, too. We need to
work on that. But I have seen some scenes that are designed very well.
The NIST stuff I just saw today runs at full frame rate on my admittedly
fast machine. But it's so fast that I'm sure it will be reasonable on a
slower machine. But even those scenes still need work. They need LOD and
inlines, etc.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics  ,"
[email protected]   Inc.    b`    ,                             ,,.
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