Here's the deal

Adam Gould ([email protected])
Mon, 8 May 1995 16:48:40 -0700 (PDT)

Here's what happened. [email protected]'s email about the WELL was
addressed to both an internal VRML list at, and this one. I
responded to Ian thinking that it was only going to our internal list; i
didn't notice that www-vrml was cc'd in. For this, i apologize.

I have been far too busy with the IMF VRML project to put up "my little
world", as i called it. It will probably be there sometime later this
week or perhaps the next, for those of you who care to check it out.

To those of you who called me sleazy, accused me of some asinine
conspiracy theory to get hits on my page, and the pompous blowhards who
flamed me because my linguistic stile doesn't match your precious little

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And don't worry, I won't ever darken the doorway of your little party again.

==========================> ADAM "Yar Dude!" GOULD <========================
\\\\\\\\\ > What makes the Internet work is the absolute < /////////
///////// > discipline by which they maintain the anarchy < \\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\ > --unnamed CIA employee < /////////
[email protected]