Re: A model for handling VRML worlds...

Andrew C. Esh ([email protected])
Fri, 5 May 1995 10:07:13 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 5 May 1995, Jan Hardenbergh wrote:

> Matrices? I discovered on Tuesday night that there are two realms
> (matrices?) of IRC servers, regular and undernet. One cannot get
> from one to the other.

Actually, there are more than just two. Any machine running an IRC server
can decide what other servers to connect itself with. I have been on IRC
systems with only one server, and three or four channels.

Normally I wouldn't reply like this in VRML, but I think the idea that
many separate logical networks may exist on the physical network is
something we need to consider. There will probably be systems where the
transport protocols, physical laws, coordinate system rules are determined
by which set of servers you are connected to. The degree if integration
will be determined by the standardization of VRML, and the conformance of
the servers and the browsers.

This is why I keep pushing to get a standard completed, and software
written. If we wait too long, many developers will build their own
systems, many of which will be incompatible with each other. Already, we
see Worlds Away coming out. How can that be integrated with VRML? If it
can't, then either VRML or WA will die on the vine when the other begins
to dominate, or else both systems will survive. Users would then have to
maintain two browsers, and two sets of rules, and so forth. Allowing WA
to drain away so much interest may be what keeps VRML from reaching
critical mass. Allowing VRML to remain captive on only high priced
graphics machines, and high speed network connections is also depleting

I'm worried.

Andrew C. Esh                 mailto:[email protected]
Computer Network Technology   [email protected] (finger for PGP key)
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