A model for handling VRML worlds...

[email protected]
Thu, 04 May 95 14:10:38 -0600

My outlook on a possible design of a VR system using VRML (as I
currently understand it) follows. All of the following is my own
opinion, and none of it is set in stone. This model intentionally does not
define specifics. I think it would be best to come up with an abstract
model first, and later flesh in the details.

And as a side note, I believe that while using books such as Snow Crash are
useful for insight, they should by no means be the guiding light. Following
such a path will inevitably lead to a limited viewpoint.

----- the Broinn Model for defining VRML space, draft 0 -----

-- Abstract

The Broinn Model for defining VRML space is proposed. The Broinn model
defines the Matrix as the womb of all Metaverses, where each Metaverse
is composed of Places (Scenes) which can be grouped into Realms.

-- Definition of terms

For better clarity, some of the terms used througout this document have
their definitions below.

Matrix: Represented as the all encompasing realm where everything
springs from. This is more a concept than a "physicality" of
the VR realm. A preferrable term would be Broinn (which is gaelic
for womb). However, Matrix has greater acceptance throughout the
world due to popular fiction.

Metaverse: a virtual universe within the Matrix

Realm: a sub domain within a Metaverse. Realms cannot exist within
realms. Realms can be linked to locations within realms.

Place: A location somewhere within a Metaverse. Places can exist
within Realms, but this is not a requirement. Places can be
specific URL locations on the network as well as statically or
dynamically driven VRML Scenes.

Server: A physical location within the real world which serves
scenes to clients. Servers can encompass an entire realm,
or not.

-- Places

Places are virtual locations which are defined to be somewhere within a
Metaverse. Places can exist in more than one Metaverse. Commonly,
places are simply a URL reference. However, it is anticipated that
places will also be dynamically driven locations within VRML, receiving
updates on the scene as it changes.

-- Realms

Realms are unified by some facet. This can be the environment--wherein
all places within the realm could create the DeathStar from StarWars;
organizational--wherein all places within the realm relate to a
structured set of information; or visually, giving a virtual tour of a
university campus. Many facets can be found, and none are defined.

Realms are not limited to a single server or location. Realms exist
mostly in abstraction, but also through the various places within the
realm pointing to other places and defining the bounds of the Realm.

To further the concept of the realm, an entrance point should exist.
This could be something as simple as a common last element in a URI (i.e.
"doormat.wrl"), or perhaps a more complex mechanism.

-- Metaverses

Metaverses are a grouping of Places and Realms to create a Universe of
sorts. Metaverses are only visualized externally from the Matrix. The
various places and realms which constitute the Metaverse create the
internal visualization.

Each Metaverse could have an internal coordinate beacon, or not. The
definition for a metaverse should be a URL, which would provide details
to the Metaverse as well as pointers to various other Metaverse
information (such as a gods eye map, beacon location, etc).

-- the Matrix

It is inevitable that while a central unified domain exists somebody
will wish to create and personalize their own, which acts and looks
different from the central system (this is why we all exist at more than
*.world internet addresses). Therefore the distinction of the Matrix
and the Metaverse is given.

As an accepted standard people would build their own private Metaverse
as a member of the Matrix. The Matrix would define only a few basic aspects
of the VR world, to give a small navigatable structure. Some of these
aspects could be location (how locations are handled, based off physical
or virtual coordinates), representation (how a Metaverse is represented,
perhaps group Metaverses by type, along the same lines of internet names
using .com .edu .org etxtensions, where a certain node is automatically
associated with the type (such as a square for com, sphere for org,
etc), and a better detailed node could be aquired by accessing the
Metaverse proper.

-- Navigation

Once the concept of place and location has been defined, one must tackle
the various aspects of Navigation. Although this by no means outlines
all aspects, it does touch upon a few.

In the case of VRML Places, users will want to insert themselves into
the scene. Because of the distributed state of the Broinn model, it is
impossible to authenticate users. Because of this authentication should
fall back to the user, using some sort of public/private key method.
For instance, I can enter a place under the name and visualization of
"Lynx". However, there is nothing stopping another person from doing
the same. The only method others have for knowing who is the true Lynx
is through a handshake process.

the Cold Dark Virtual Environment: http://pippin.ece.usu.edu:1180/
   "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape
           those who dream only by night."  - Edgar Allan Poe