Re: Coordinates and Multiuser

Andrew C. Esh ([email protected])
Thu, 4 May 1995 12:33:11 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 4 May 1995, Edward Hoffmeister wrote:

> question to ponder: If someone was served with court papers in
> cyberspace would it be legal?

Using two-key encryption, it would be possible to transport the papers
and make sure of the sending and receiving party. The problem is you have to
depend on the receiving party to attempt to decrypt the papers in order
to verify that person is the intended recipient.

If someone walks up to me in cyberspace with a sheaf of bright red
blinking encrypted subpeonas, I'm certainly not going to try my public key
on them. I'd simply turn into a rusted out '84 Honda Civic, and transport
out of there. :)

Andrew C. Esh                 mailto:[email protected]
Computer Network Technology   [email protected] (finger for PGP key)
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