Actually, why dont we just start to use the vrworlds list?
< >2) Another important factor. Many people on IRC last night have read
< >SnowCrash, so I'd like to use that as sort of a philosophical branching
< >point. Are we moving towards one big world (i.e. a metaverse) or are we
< >heading towards a number of different worlds (i.e. the current situation
< >with MUDS/MOOS/MUSHS/etc).
< I don't think that's 100% clear yet, but *I* certainly intend the
< former -- my entire purpose, from the beginning, has been to build a
< seamless Cyberspace. I think this is a hole in VRML, but I've been
< letting it lie while we get things started. WWWAnchor works so long as
< the worlds are separate, but it doesn't work well for worlds that can
< "see" each other. (That is, it doesn't define any such connection.)
Well, with our incorporation of VRML into the ground level designs of the
Cold Dark (A mud (I prefer virtual environment) I have been programming for
nigh a year--from the base level up), we have done a bit of theorization
as to how this would evolve.
As I see it, if we define a top level "protocol" (i.e. a set of standards
people follow in designing these things) we can have everything be a central
world, if not, it will all be disjointed.
Unfortunately, I have to take off. I will write up a good document explaining
what I mean. For now, by standards I simply mean that users will connect
to a virtual world in a set way. User verification will be done through
encrypted keys and handshakes (i.e. if I am known as Lynx, anybody else can
use the name and personae Lynx, but they will know it is me through a set
of handshakes we can define).
Other standards would include rooms which would be the same on every VR
world, such as a launch and landing pad (where people enter the world).
On this pad you could have certain things like virtual maps of surrounding
nodes in "space", etc.
Sorry this sounds so disjointed, but now I'm late for class ;)
--- the Cold Dark Virtual Environment: "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allan Poe