Re: Tierra - Biodiversity Reserve

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Tue, 2 May 1995 15:32:00 -0700

> There is currently no practical mechanism I know of for interfacing
> engines to a VRML browser, though lots of people would like one, so
perhaps it
> will go in 2.0, or in someone's browser specific extensions ...
> Mike holds up a sign saying "Good example of why we need an external
> interface".

However there is a very cool demo of generating vrml on the fly in one of
the Cave demos. In an HTML document you click on a map of the world which
generates and sends you a vrml topographic map of that part of the world.
Using cgi-bin in clever ways can get interesting behavior.

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
Silicon Graphics, Inc.        ,`` 1$`
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"As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell." - excerpt from "A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide"