Re: SPEC - Text (I18N)

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 12:18:40 -0700

> If we wanted to do something, I would argue for specifying the
> coded character set to be ASCII instead of ISO-Latin-1, since ASCII
> is a subset of most other character sets (including ISO-Latin-1 and
> ISO 10646). This should be an attribute of the text.

Is your concern that ISO-Latin-1 is too hard to implement? I've seen many
HTML documents in German, Spanish and French, which ASCII does not
support. Even British English is left out since ASCII does not have a
British Pound sign.

I see the purpose of this first cut at text as reducing the volume of data
(and making authoring easier) for text that is in the supported encoding.
All other glyphs can still be represented as polygons. With that in mind
supporting ASCII would accomplish that but virtually all Macs, PCs and
Unix systems support at least ISO-Latin-1 and have outlines for enough
glyphs to support that encoding. I think even the latest release of the
Hershey fonts have enough symbols to accomplish ISO-Latin-1 so
implementation would not be hard.

I would not object to naming the node "LatinText" or something to be more
specific and to allow us to replace it with a real "Text" node when we
have the I18N issues sorted out.

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
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