Re: VRML usage

Peter J. McCann ([email protected])
Wed, 19 Apr 1995 19:33:09 -0500 (BLT)

Seth Golub writes:
> [email protected] (Peter J. McCann) (PM) writes:
> PM> The server must provide the subscription service. It must also
> PM> consult a table of subscribers every time a document is changed.
> PM> I think it would be interesting if the table could be more complex
> PM> than a simple list of subscribers. Each subscriber could register
> PM> not just a document, but also a specific type of VRML object or
> PM> scene structure pattern that the subscriber was interested in.
> PM> This would allow the publisher (server) to prefilter the
> PM> information before sending it along to the browser, which would
> PM> help reduce network traffic.
> Yes. This is simply a multi-user distributed database. Luckily,
> people have been thinking about multi-user distributed databases for
> some time. It would be a good idea for us to become at least
> superficially familiar with the problems and types of existing
> solutions.

Can you suggest any references?

> PM> Forgy, Charles L., "Rete: A Fast Algorithm for the Many Pattern/
> PM> Many Object Pattern Matching Problem", in
> PM> _Artificial_Intellgence_ vol. 19 (1982), pp. 17-37.
> Is this available online anywhere?

I don't think so, it's pretty old. He did the work at CMU. Maybe some
hunting there will turn up something.


Pete McCann                                          [email protected]
Department of Computer Science 
Washington University in St. Louis