RE: 1995 VRML Symposium - Call for participation

Dave Nadeau ([email protected])
Wed, 12 Apr 95 09:50:01 PDT

On Wed, 12 Apr 1995 Jan Hardenbergh writes:

>> The 1995 VRML Symposium
>> December 13-15, 1995
>It seems odd to compete with the Web conference 11..14-DEC-95

We are aware of the overlap and it is unfortunate. However, overlap with
some conference somewhere is inevitable. We have chosen the symposium
time based upon several criteria. We wanted to be before or after
university semester/quarter start and end dates so that academics could
attend and so we wouldn't have meeting space conflicts on the UCSD campus
where the symposium is being held. This pushes us either before September,
or in to mid December. It takes 3 months to print a proceedings (!), so
if we met in August, the final camera-ready papers would have to be
received in May, which pushes the submission deadline to early April. This
was deemed way too soon.

Pushing the date later in December collides with the holidays. Pushing it
earlier collides with Supercomputing 95, another conference SDSC is
putting on. Pushing the symposium in to January gets back in to the
academic collision. So, Dec 13-15 seemed the best compromise, despite
the WWW collision.

Dave Nadeau / VRML Symposium co-chair