Re: VRML - The next step?

David Peck ([email protected])
Tue, 4 Apr 1995 17:11:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 4 Apr 1995, James Waldrop wrote:

> There are a few kinds of MUSH, the original, PernMUSH, and probably
> others I don't know about. It's all very boring, though, since it's
> not very flexible and certainly isn't what I'd build a graphical
> system on.

I would disagree that MUSH is boring and unflexable, having worked one
myself... BUT I also agree that MOO and MUD and so forth is much more
flexible, not to mention better suited to this task.

BUT I don't want a MUD vs. MUSH vs. whatever holy war starting, so I'll
defer further comment (and hope everyone else will too). The suggestion
that we should build from the ground up an entirely new system almost
makes sense, because this is an entirely new idea.

> VRML doesn't quite work yet for MUD-building since it doesn't include
> synchronous hooks to tie a client to.

Yes, this seems like a deficiency. Certainly something to work on.

David Peck
Macintosh SW Games Programmer
"Weep for the future. Weep for us all..." - B5