Re: LANG: Text in VRML

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 19:23:09 -0800

> I agree that polygonal text should be supported eventually,
> however, most people will not be using hardware rendering to view VRML
> pages, most of them will be using rendering software. All of the
> software real-time rendering packages do texture mapping more or less
> "for free." However most of these software rendering solutions are
> polygon limited such that converting all text to polygonal models will
> kill performance for the majority of the users. Is there a way we can do
> both?

Texture mapping for free??? If such a machine exists that's great. But
whatever we do it needs to be left to the viewer/renderer to select the form in
which the text is displayed. It would be nice if there were a public way to do
it (just like QvLib). Then the fancier stuff could be left to individual

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
Silicon Graphics, Inc.        ,`` 1$`
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