
Andrew Longhorn ([email protected])
Fri, 17 Feb 1995 10:28:09 +1100


I have just subscribed to this group and am very interested in getting
my hands dirty with this subject.

I actually came up with the same idea as vrml a short time ago and started
searching the web for any links to anything people had done along those lines.
In doing so, I obviously stumbed across this group.

I have an application in mind for vrml that I will share with the group
in a while, but it is still very early days yet.

My interest is in developing my application for vrml and studying its
possibilities as a PhD or Masters topic. (I currently have a BSc Hons.)

I am working in the Computing Department of the ANU and have access to
many platforms including a new SGI Reality Engine the ANU recently acquired,
and I am looking forward to testing out the first beta VRML engine.

I will be able to offer some help in construction if needed.

My only restriction is that my involvement will be almost non-existent
over the next 2 months as I am getting married in 2 weeks and traveling
overseas for a month (Yaay! finally I get a holiday! PHEW!).

Anyway, I hope all this lives up to my expectations, and will do my best
to see that it does.


"no fangs? NO FANGS? Of course it hasn't any fangs, it's a bee... Bees sting...
Snakes bite... That's how you tell the difference between a bee and a snake."
Name : Andrew Longhorn e-mail : [email protected]
WWW : file://dcssoft.anu.edu.au/pub/www/dcs/people/lona/home.html
fax : 61 - 6 - 249 0010 voice : 61 - 6 - 249 3434