gravity in an odd environment
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*[email protected])
13 Dec 95 11:46:05 EDT
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im not sure if this has been thought of but, if the person didn't want there to
be a real form of gravity rather than where ever the person "walked" to would
be where the relative source of gravity was... to the person browsing the model
gravity would always come from down no matter which way that was in the model.
Those really trippy escher (sp??) drawings with stairs on the ceilings and
walls really wouldn't work if gravity came from any of the x y or z axis since
gravity would be relative to the person browsing the model...
Wouldn't it work better if the browser supported gravity rather than the
I dunno, i've had 4hours of sleep in the last two days...if i seem a bit
uncongruent its the lack of sleep speaking
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