VRML stuff

Marek Balaz ([email protected])
Tue, 12 Dec 1995 08:12:54 +0100 (MET)


i am nsw here and i am interesting WWW. I found something about VRML
and wanna learn it. Could somebody tell me, where can i find some
things about VRML (spec., vrml homepages, urls with wrl docs and ... ).



  __^__                                                              __^__
 ( ___ )------------------------------------------------------------( ___ )
  | / | Marek Balaz                    Email: [email protected]         | \ |
  | / | Network Administrator          Snail: VS SAV,Dubravska 9     | \ |
  | / | the Slovak Academy             Voice    : +42-7-378-2279     | \ |
  | / |     of Sciences                Fax      : +42-7-375-881      | \ |
  | / | 821 03 Bratislava, Slovakia    PGP: ftp.savba.sk/pub/PGPkeys | \ |
    ^                                                                  ^

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