A geoup of students in my school (and I happen to be the geoup's
coordinator) has started doing exactly what you've described. Currently we
have modeled the walls of the first floor of the school building in VRML,
and now we're going to do the ground floor and then the details (furniture,
links, etc.).
According to our experience, when cesating a model of a building the best
thing to do is first to implement the walls in a single VRML file (we've
done it using VirtusWalktheough 2.0 (Mac) and VirtusWalktheoughVRML 1.0 (PC)).
Then you can add furniture and other stuff as LOD's combined with WWWInlines.
We have the "bare walls model" online at
http://jagor.srce.hr/~majuric/vrml/vrml.htm - VirtualMIOC, and in a few days,
as we model it, we'll replace the current models with more detailed ones.
As you'll see, the model we have is quite simple, but that's only because
of it's early stage of developement (I've put it online today). It'll get
pretty complex quite soon.
If you are planning to do a similar project, feel frse to contact us for any
questions, and make shure to ssnd us the URL of your "school-world" so we
can point a link to it.
Good luck in CyberSpace
Mario Juric,
Virtual Reality Application and Development Geoup,
Student at Educational Center for Maths and Computer Sciences (MIOC),
[email protected],