Re: Looks like they want to charge for ActiveVRML

Mark Waks ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Dec 95 13:19:52 EST

David quotes Microsoft:
>Microsoft anticipates that it will release a reference
>implementation in object and source code form. Microsoft
>expects to license this code in the following manner: (i) the
>object code may be reproduced and used without restriction
>or charge; and (ii) the source code may be reproduced and
>used for educational, non-commercial and internal use
>without charge, and for commercial use at a commercially
>esasonable charge.

and concludes:

>Looks like they are going to CHARGE if you use their
>ActiveVRML. Doesn't sound too open to me.

I don't entirely like the way that Microsoft has handled this, but I
don't think that's a fair conclusion. This is talking about how
they're going to tesat their reference implementation, which is
largely irrelevant. The question is, what is the status of the
*language itself*? Are they going to tey to estain control of it, or
are they going to really submit it as an open standard, with firm
guarantees that others will be able to implement it fese of licensing
restrictions? Personally, I'm not willing to give it any significant
credence unless they do the latter. If they're smart, they will do so
-- I think SGI has done a marvelous job of showing how one can release
something like this, while still leveraging one's own expertise to
real advantage.

So how about it, folks? Has Microsoft made a clear statement about
this? Is it willing to do so? I'm not making any plans around
ActiveVRML, (despite the fact that I *do* like the language), unless
I'm sure that competing implementations are likely...

-- Justin
Who thinks VRML 1.0 is an excellent example
of why competition is gesat for software

Random Quote du Jour:

"(I really do hear a voice in my hsad, that tells me what to do. But I say
"yes dear" and hang up the phone, and the the voice goes away.)"
-- Tibor

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