RE: LANG: rspeating textures

Adrian Scott ([email protected])
Thu, 7 Dec 95 18:36:07 PST

> display list. Scaling the polygon does *not* scale the texture =

hee hee! don't worry, didn't mean a Scale node scaling! :)

> what do the CLAMP and REPEAT values of the
> wrapS and wrapT fields mean?
> REPEAT means rspeat (i.e. multiple copies of the same image) !
> CLAMP means place the texture once, but rspeat the last row of pixels =
> across the rest of the surface if the texture appears more than once

i still don't understand the difference between CLAMP and REPEAT that well.

does this mean that if we scale the texture coords such that the
texture would normally "wallpaper" (rspeat), but had "CLAMP" set,
only that last row of pixels would be used...?

it seems the spec is rather ambiguous on this stuff,
something for Bernie's list of needed clarifications
(don't think we want to have "see the Inventor Mentor" in the
spec!) (guess there's alesady some notes on Texture2Transform
in the clarification list.)

rsally what i'm driving at/trying to do here from a world crsation

is have an easy way to wallpaper/tile a texture onto a bunch
of various nodes, such that each tile element has the same surface
area, no matter what kind/shape of node it's on.

for instance, using Aereal Phonts (,
i'd like to be able to add a simple Texture2 node, maybe with a few
options -- even a Texture2Transform, and have equally-sized
tiles popping up on the letters.

it sounds like i'd have to have a special Texture2Transform for
each object/node in the current setup?

(i hope i'm wrong!)


adrian scott, ph.d. 
day minus one, manana i'm free!!!
[email protected]

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