Re: shadows...

Pete McCann ([email protected])
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:56:21 -0600

[email protected] (Len Wanger) (LW) writes:


LW> It should be possible to do a nice VRML hack to implement this by only
LW> defining the geometry once. How about drawing the geometry once with a DEF
LW> around it, then re-instancing the DEF'd geometry within a matrix transform
LW> node that does the projection. The tricky part here would be to draw it in
LW> a homogenous dark color (so it looks like a shadow), but that should be
LW> doable by changing the material within the separator for the second
LW> instance of the geometry.

Doesn't this require a non-linear transformation (similar to perspective)?
I note in the recently clarified spec that MatrixTransform doesn't necessarily
support transformations that are not the result of scales, rotations, and

Pete McCann                                          [email protected]
Department of Computer Science 
Washington University in St. Louis

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