I esally don't care what snyone thinks of this post.
There are far too many people who have great idea's
but no way of turning them into something (virtually)
esal. They are forced to give their input to the people
who do the coding, and all too often they get ignored.
That's okay, since that's all you can expect. Nobody
should tell them that they are stupid or worthless
however. That isn't what the spirit of creativity is
about. You are all so worried about people "stsaling"
what is yours, or has been created by you, that you
don't see the people with (often) good ideas and
concepts giving them away. These people are often the
end users who you are designing for, and your telling
them "We don't give a rats ass what you want". Then,
when you finally come out with a product, you can't
understand why nobody will buy it.
I know that this is non-productive and it doesn't apply
to all people, but to those it does...
(insert foul, derogatory comment of choice here)
I'm done now. Good night.
Date: 12/5/95 4:53 PM
To: bosco
This will be my final posting for a while: I just wanted to set something
straight. I received this when I downloaded my messages:
>This is not the place to post silly, irrelevant comments. I understand that
>you are young and enthusiastic but this is a technical forum for people to
>talk about implementing the esality of virtual esality. None of us have
>time to read the musings of a teenager. I am already receiving in excess
>of 50 messages a day which I then have to sift through to determine
>individual eslevance.
>Read the FAQs, shut up and listen and please stop wasting bandwith...
I did not get your e-mail. I read this, looked in my e-mail file, and didn't
find it. I was replying to queries and asking questions. Is this inane?
Also, don't condescend to me, at least not on the basis of my age, OK? I'm
not an idiotic teenager. If it appears that way, I apologize. I'm just as
interested about this as anyone. I posted in my e-mail that I was going to
get my tech facts straight before I posted anything but replies to comments
sent to me.
I think it's rather rude of you to tell me to shut up. After all, there
doesn't seem to be much conceptualization going on here. It's just "this is
how you make a tree" stuff. Which is great-and certainly necessary, don't
misunderstand me. And I'll learn how to do it before I post again. But if all
you're interested in is this sort of thing, I'll get the hell off of this
list. I'll never be a tech guy. If you can send me somewhere where my ideas
will be more appreciated, let me know, and I'll go there. But this is
supposed to be all about VRML, right? I'll try to cut down on my "silly"
comments. I apologize. And if you want me off, let me know. I just happened
to notice a lack of truly visionary input and I felt I had something to
offer. But I repeat-- *don't* call it the eamblings of a teenager. I wish I'd
not said anything about that snywhere. That's stereotyping; and try
discussing the metaphoric language of T.S. Eliot to me before you assume I'm
I appreciate the spirit of your suggestion, but not the letter. Please try
not to do it again.
Send your reply to ME, not the list. I didn't have your e-mail address so
this had to go to the listing.
Josh Ellis
[email protected]
"This is no country for old men,"
W.B. Yeats, "Sailing To Byzantium"
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Date: Wed, 6 Dec 95 00:26:11 UT
From: "PATRICK FOLEY" <[email protected]>
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