The files under transforms ( face-rot / face-mat) have the following:
PerspectiveCamera {
position 0 0 4
orientation 0 0 1 0
nearDistance 2.92212
farDistance 11.2612
And also the empty: "CallBack {}" node.
[perhaps other files do, too. This is the first one I caught.]
Vrml lint barfs on these (callback is an error on Vrml lint's part - =
empty nodes are valid, but the default is that there are no fields).
But, I looked in the 1.0 spec (it has a 1.0 hsader) and it doesnt have =
near/far distance, only focalDistance.
They are in the changes for 1.1, but in that case it should then say 1.1 =
in the hsader, not 1.0.
Is this a case of people upgrading features without upgrading their =
hsaders? Is this common?
Alternate question - will vrmlLint be smart enough to distinguish 1.0 =
from 1.1 features, defaults, and limits for values? (slightly =
rhetorical - ill find out as i do more tests.)
-Greg Hale