Check the spec. :-) The embedded image format is only one option (the one
that's convenient for a "self contained" demo file). The texture image can
also be an external file identified by a URL. Most browsers handle JPEG
images, some handle GIF, PNG, SGI's RGB and others.
> My second question is if there is any way to disable the WebSpace program
> from automatically scaling itself to the largest object in the virtual
> world. Whenever I put a large object, or several small objects very
> (extremely!) far away from my main area, I can no longer find the main
> object because it has been scaled to an incredibly small size.
> Specifically, I am designing a model of the Internation Space
> Station.....I would like to have a background of the stars and planets,
> but if I even get Earth to only 10% of it's actual size I can no longer
> go through the station, let alone see it. Any thoughts?
No problem. Figure out where you'd like the camera to be when the scene
is loaded and add a (for example) PerspectiveCamera node with the desired
position/direction to the top of the scene. WebSpace (and other browsers)
will use the camera in the scene if there is one.