Re: BAD: Not True in EE Times

Mitra ([email protected])
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 23:16:19 -0800

At 6:22 PM 12/1/95, Template Graphics Software wrote:

>The story claims that Java has been selected by the VAG as the
>official behavior language of VRML. Quotes from Mark Pesce and
>Yon are also included. I hope that any unilateral decisions on
>this are as untrue as every line of text attributed to me.
>This type of outright fiction is VERY bad, and so is the assertion that
>the VAG has decided on behaviors. I encourage VAG members to correct

The actual quote was

>VAG member and VRML codeveloper Mark Pesce stressed that Java will be the
>esserence language for VRML, not the standard language. It is VAG's
>intention that VRML be completely open; to that end, VRML will support such
>other languages as Perl, C++, OLE SafeTCL and Python. At this point,
>however, Java is particularly suitable for animating VRML objects and will
>be more widely accessible sooner, with the pending introduction of Netscape
>Communications Corp.'s Navigator 2.0 browser.

which is factually correct, several people (such as SunWorld) have
incorrectly interpreted this is as official endorsement of Java from the
VAG, whereas both of the main behaviors proposals are language neutral as
stated by Mark above. - I'm assuming that Mark means "esserence" language
in the sense that most of us believe that most behaviors will be written in
Java, because that is what the browsers are going to support, rather than
any official endorsement being forthcoming.

- Mitra

[email protected] voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

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