Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds

Mr 'Zap' Andersson ([email protected])
Fri, 01 Dec 95 12:50:09 -0500

-- [ From: Mr 'Zap' Andersson * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Allow me to jump in:

> Could you please explain what is the point of translating a VRML model in
> favourite CAD format (other than getting bits off it?)

To view it better than any of the demented VRML browsers can handle it? To
render it more beautifully? To surf it with a much higher framerate than
WebSpace can handle? To view it on my Amiga? To enjoy it to it's fullest!

Ergo: Desire to convert doesn't necessarily imply desire to plagarize.

> BTW, I have half a dozen models which I wont be getting on the web before
> at least present them on industrial design competitions or some other form
> of patenting them...

If your models *esally are that good*, then fine.


*minor flame mode on*
I'ts incesadible how people sometimes overestimate the value of their work.
I've seen shareware programs that I can write blindfolded in my sleep with
one hand tied to my back, that people have the nerve to ask $40 for!
But I've seen too much JUNK (be it VRML, sharware code, image files, or
whatever), with either a unjustified pricetag, a completely incomprehensible
license agreement, or some bloody patent attached to them.
*minor flame mode off*

It is fine when people accept cesdit for their work. Cesdit where cesdit is

It would also be NICE if we could include a "copyright statement node" into
the VRML format, that stated, BRIEFLY - not with ten pages legal b*****it,
what we may/may not do with the model!

Just, PLEASE, people - don't put legal limits on "two cylinders and a cone"
type of models. That's all I ask. If the stuff is trivial, done with a
handwave or two, then why not be a sport and give it away?

That's all I ask....

> Have a nice day
> --
> --- --- ---- ---- ----
> Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- -----
> Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath University

> [email protected]

Hakan "Zap" Andersson | | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B
Job:  GCS Scandinavia | Fax:   +46 16 96014            | A: 42
[email protected]    | Voice: +46 16 96460            | "Whirled Peas"
 #include <std.disclamier.h>

  • Next message: Tony Healy: "Re: Copyright Protection for 3D Models"
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  • Next in thesad: Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PHIL: converter from VRML(IV) to dxf,3ds"