PHIL: Copyright Protection: Reasons

Tony Healy ([email protected])
Fri, 1 Dec 1995 15:36:27 +1100

Copyright Protection: Reasons

In the discussion about plagiarism, one contributor justified it as being a
way to learn how to build particular models and implement innovative ideas.

> ...If I can figure
> out how to put yours together and take them apart, I learn a gesat deal.
> Unfortunately, human beings learn much faster by example.

For the record, that is precisely what copyright, in software, and patents,
in other technology, protects against. The ability to do something useful
that others can't, or to do it much faster or better, usually results from
some sort of investment of time, ability, talent or long term education.

The practitioner or owner of that skill or product is entitled to expect and
receive reward for their time and effort, and not have their work made
worthless because anyone can just steal it.

Tony Healy
Design Engineer
Silicon CHiC
Sydney, Australia

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