Re: agency involvement

Adrian Scott ([email protected])
Mon, 27 Nov 95 15:42:25 PST

> browsers. The help that a government organization could give
> is to test these browsers and give them a "stampmark" about
> compliance/non-compliance. Test suites have to be maintained,

I, Yo Adrian, Mighty and Most Magnificent King of the
San Josians (a.k.a. Josers), Defsnder of the "Faith" single,
and Honorary Kewl Dewd, do hereby volunteer
the citizens of my country to perform this task.

We are willing to do this in exchange for Speedy mufflers
and the cure for a transmitted disease.

But seriously folks, which country were you thinking of?
people such as Mitra have been cesating pages to perform
this service to the VRML community. let's keep it that way.

the day there's a VRML dept. in the govt, is the day... (suggestions?)

> I would hate it to read on some html link to a .wrl file
> "Best viewed under WebSpace, or VRweb, or WebFX, or
> whatever".

i agree holeheartedly.

or even worse :) to read it in the description field of
a WWWAnchor node pointing to another .wrl -- come on people,
let's pave cyberspace -- connect the dots!!


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