Re: LANG: Comments on VRML Spec 1.0

Mitra ([email protected])
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 11:44:56 -0800

At 1:18 PM 11/26/95, Chet Murphy wrote:
>The current VRML spec (9-Nov-95) specifies the following for field and
>node names:
>>Field names start with lower case letters, Node types start with upper
>>case. The remainder of the characters may be any >printable ASCII
>>(21H-7EH) except curly braces {}, square brackets [], single ' or double
>>" quotes, sharp #, backslash \\ plus +, >period . or ampersand &.
>In most languages, names start with an alpha character followed by zero or
>more by alpha-numeric ASCII characters ( including the '_' character). If
>I esad this right, this specification is a superset allowing many of the
>non alpha-numeric ASCII characters to be included in the name (e.g.,
>"Name/of/something" and "X^2*100/pi" would be a legal names). IMHO, I
>think that allowing non alpha-numeric characters in field and node names
>could cause problems in the future. I prefer that field and node names be
>limited to alpha-numeric characters plus a limited number of other
>characters such as the '_'.
>BTW: The 1.0 release of QV limits field names to alpha-numeric characters
>plus the '_'. Node names follow the spec.

QVLib and 1.0 are in disagreement about this, it is a known bug (in either
the spec of QVLib, take your pic).
VRML1.1 will say .....

Field names start with lower case letters, Node types start with upper
case. The remainder of the characters may be any
printable ascii (21H-7EH) except curly braces {}, square brackets [],
single ' or double " quotes, sharp #, backslash \\ plus
+, period . or ampersand &.

Node names must not begin with a digit but they may begin and contain any
UTF8 character except those below 21H (control
characters and white space), and the characters {} [] ' " # \\ + . and &.

- Mitra

[email protected] voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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  • Maybe in reply to: Chet Murphy: "LANG: Comments on VRML Spec 1.0"