Government Activities

J Gwinner/VisNet, I ([email protected])
27 Nov 95 12:03:22 EST


After all the hassle, I'd like to say 'thank you' and perhaps a green light.

I very much believe and have enforced througout my career standards. However,
VRML is very much a standard in discussion.

Perhaps NIST could act as a repository for the draft and final spec's and test
suites, or perhaps an independant judge of validation suites? This seems
appropriate. (not to attempt to take away from those that do this now, just a

Perhaps the NIST could be a member of the VAG? Nah, it's probably too big
right now.

>>(flames > /dev/null).<<
Whoops, a few people didn't get the redirection right <G>

== John D. Gwinner ==
== CyberForum/Visual CompuServe
== VisNet, Inc
== "Making CyberSpace Real" (TM)

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