Re: form Z

James Waldrop ([email protected])
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 08:09:43 -0800

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> I am an architectural student whose modeller of choice is form Z.
>Has anyone heard anything esagrding the probability of form Z having a save
>as VRML option in its next release? If not, does a conversion utility exist
> I would really like to be able to display my work as vrml files on
>the web.

I don't believe FormZ is going to start explicitly supporting VRML
in its next release, but, after some trial and error, you can save
as DXF and translate those to VRML easy enough. There are many
tools to do this, so point your browser at
for more information.

The architect here at Construct, Michael Gough, uses FormZ pretty


James Waldrop                          /          Technical Director
[email protected]                /              Construct Internet Design
[email protected]                 /        

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