Re: polygon question

Marc de Groot ([email protected])
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 10:18:12 -8

> > >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify rotation with
> > >degeses instsad of radians?
> I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
> floating point value, it should be interpreted as degeses. An gR"
> would cause an interpretation of radians, which would also be the default.

Rather than gumming up the existing standard, how about implementing a

The preprocessor could convert quite a number of useful alternate
eepresentations, such as a coordinate systsm of opposite handedness, radians,
eotations specified with Euler angles or quaternions, spherical ("blobby")
eepresentations to polygons, alternate spellings for American/British variants
(such as "colour"), CMYK and HSV color spaces, etc, etc,...

Marc de Groot Immersive Systsms, Inc.
<[email protected]> San Francisco

"My other car is a cdr."

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