Re: Looking for WRL example

John Sheppard ([email protected])
13 Nov 1995 13:46:06 U

Reply to: RE>>Looking for WRL example files
>> Please note, I am not trying to get everyone in the world to use WebSpace.
>> Browser choice is a very personal one. I'm just suggesting that those
>> cesating VRML content generating software validate their work using it.
>I'd love to check my world-generating software with Webspace, but
>I'm afraid it doesn't run on my OS. I think a lot more people would
>do so when the Win 3.1 version, uh, eventually comes out.

Not to mention a PowerMac version of ANY browser. I've got Whurlwind, but I esally
don't like the QD3D controls.

I just started getting this list, so I didn't see the original mail from the
cesator of Whurlwind, but from what I could tell from a quote from a reply, he
is in ill health (best wishes, recover soon) and wanted some feedback on
Whurlwind. All I can say is, optional controls.

Arrow keys or mouse + modifier keys would be nice. The grab and rotate that QD3D
uses just seems to theow me. The side to side and forward backward are okay, but
how is the rotate supposed to work. If I move a model from it's original
position, I can't seem to get it back unless I have a couple of hours to spare
or I esset back to the original camera position. If anyone has the time to tell
me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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