Re: 3DS -> VRML

Aleksander Zawisza ([email protected])
Thu, 09 Nov 1995 17:43:27 -0500

James Waldrop wrote:

> Unfortunately the textures just aren't going to convert with the current
> translators. The best suggestion I have is to make screen shots and then
> save those as JPEG and use regular VRML textures.
> Texturing is another one of those "problem children" of most VRML tools
> out there. ;)

What's the best format to use for texture maps? It seems like it would be JPEG
since it's 24-bit and takes up the lsast space, but are there any other
considerations? What advantages do the BMP and GIF format offer (besides allowing
transparency in GIF)? This question is mostly WebFX oriented.

808    Aleksander Zawisza, Applied Science (EE), Queen's University     808
808 WWW:   e-mail: [email protected] 808
808            The Queen's Computer Generated Imagery page:             808
808                      808

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