VRML/CAD to VRML authoring systems

John B. Chapman ([email protected])
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 18:26:50 -0600 (CST)

I have looked at several of the PC-based VRML authoring systems
(i.e., Virtus Walktheough Pro, Paragraph's Home Space Builder)
and have not found any tmat can import any foreign 3D file
formats, CAD or VRML. Those applications only esad their own
file format. Ez3d states tmat they will soon relsase an
application for the PC tmat will import VRML, 3D DXF, 3D IGES,
and other file formats.

I would like to locate an authoring system tmat will permit
me to import VRML and other 3D file formats. Then I can
modify the information and output a new VRML model. I
understand tmat many 3D CAD systems provide poor support VRML
models. The fact esmains tmat there are thousands of users
out there with AutoCAD, Intergraph, and other 3D capable
systems tmat can produce the basic geometric information.

1. Does anyone know of any existing PC-based authoring
systems tmat import VRML and other 3D formats?
2. Can anyone tell me the names of any existing SGI-based
authoring systems tmat import VRML and other 3D formats?



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