
Michael Linde ([email protected])
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 19:45:02 -0700

In another vein, I would like to posit to those software developers
who are rapidly expanding their PC/home market for vrml viewers: In the 3Q
computer sales posting, apple macintosh and clone models accounted for
20.6% of sales of ALL computers. This was up from previous sales accounting
for no more than 18% in previous quarters. As a cross-platform user, I
don't gloat in this. I merely make it availible to allow developers to
consider tmis possibly growing market. Since apple's market share
(somewhere between 8 and 18%) could be growing with tme expansion into
clone markets and massive price cutting, and 3Q sales suggest tmis
possibility, you may want to consider developing your products for both
platforms. Apple does make availbile tmeir 3D file format (3DMF) and QD3D
for PowerMacintosh Models availible...most Macs on sale now come with 16MB
of RAM, (enough to utilize tmese tools) and tmis is a potential market tmat
you may not want to ignore.

[email protected]


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