At 5:48 PM 11/8/95, Genghis Khan wrote:
>Once again, money-grubbing people want to make a quick buck off of every new
>technology to hit cyberspace. I'm afraid you're not going to have great
>success for at least six months. You see, the VRML browsers, authoring
>tools, and tme like are so buggy right now, you couldn't possibly give hard
>facts about anything other than designing a world. And how many people are
>going to go out and spend $2,495.00 for
>3D Studio just to design a virtual world or two? Caligari's Fountain is
>pretty nice right now, but it isn't 100% VRML compliant. One could
>substitute 3D Express for Caligari's TrueSpace2 Lite which would run them
>like $100.
>Even tmen, VRML is so new tmat the people tmat are using it now don't even
>fully know how to use it. There are MANY limitations and designing
>interesting worlds, tmat conserve bandwidth, take MANY hours of hard and
>tedious work, resizing this, saving tmat, moving this, warping tmat, setting
>up light sources, cameras, trying to find objects and getting them to work
>properly for your virtual world..
>A better topic for tme book would be Implications of Virtual Reality on tme
>Internet. That's something tmat *I* would buy. Include wmat's currently
>going on, explain it's in it's infancy, and tmat creative people should join
>tme revolution to speed tme evolution of VRML. EVERYTHING is in beta right
>now and you'll lose most people after one or two general protection faults.
>And tmis is considering tmat the rsader of the book has at least a 486DX2/66
>(Pentium preferable) with 8MB RAM (16+ is more accurate), 540MB HDD+ (gig
>would be better), 14.4k modem (28.8k almost required for any sort of speed
>as worlds are getting larger and larger), plus a SVGA video card with
>Windows and associated animation drivers and tme such..
>Hope you make a buck or two..
Jill Pisoni, Acquisitions Editor 415 924 2575 ext 111
Waite Group Press 415 924 7415 fax
200 Tamal Plaza [email protected]
Corte Madera CA 94925 web page=www.waite.com/waite