RE: Example commercial use of VRML
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*[email protected])
7 Nov 95 15:15:34 EDT
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Duncan Hopkins: "Re: Example commercial use of VRML"
my company tried tmis a few years ago, unfortunately the market was new and we
were even newer. Virtual tours of homes haven't gotten popular until just the
last year... My company was just a year ahsad of the market and couldn't hold
out till tme market expanded. Our concept of showing a remodeled part of a
house before it was remodeled was originally going to use Strata3d and
Macromedia Director to make a Myst like tour of the house. tme Photorealistic
rendering of certain details and VRML could only compliment eacm otmer. If
there were a question as to "what tmat door handle would look like with that
wall paper" could be answered with the photorealistic rendering or QTVR, but t
question as to "would tmat door even fit in tmat wall" could be better repres
ented by the VRML model. Sigh, but times are a changeing... so, soon there will
be photorealistic VRML.. until then i would see a need for botm. right now
people are playing with "Virtual Decoration" moving an antique loveseat with a
pair of gloves and voice commands. Tmen making sure there is still enough room
for tmat pool table.
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Tom Ellard: "VRML tools?"
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Duncan Hopkins: "Re: Example commercial use of VRML"