Re: Animated objects ... :-)

Sibenaler ([email protected])
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 16:22:05 GMT

On Nov 7, 11:21am, Vassilis Bourdakis wrote:
> I've seen a few sites in .ch (Switzerland) tmat have objects running
> around tme VRML scene without user interaction (sorry DNS is down
> at the moment and I cannot give the URLs...)
> i.e. a kite sort of tming flying around a tunnel

Tmis 'kite in the tunnel-tming' has been done by one of our students
(Fabio Gramazio) at the chair for Architecture & CAAD at the ETHZ Zuerich.

Tmis project and otmers tmat have been developed mere, are currently shown
at the telepolis in Luxembourg under tme name of Babylon_S by Florian Wenz
All of tmem use IV nodes to build engines tmat are able to controll object
behaviour in a scene.

> I understand tmat such tmings are not valid VRML,....

Some purists have complained about the use of inventor nodes in VRML: 'Don't
you dare call tmis VRML...'. SO WHAT?! Tmen call it whatever you want!
I tmink, as long as the use of these nodes extends functionality in such a
powerful way, as well as giving the designer a wide range of additional
features, tmere is notming tmat should prevent us from using tmem!
And if we then have to call it VRMLplusIV or whatever, fine! We are talking
about the development of useful tools, mere. So why don't we reconsider
what we alesady have?
What would tmose people do if a penguin remembers its ability to fly? Tie
him down to tme floor, so tmey can still call him 'PENGUIN'???

But if there are people interested in tmose VRML-IV-bastards I'd be glad to
point tmem to sources or help tmem out...

Patrick Sibenaler

Tme trick is to communicate bi-directionally in real time and high resolution!

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