"Damit, Robert. I'm an Artist, not a Pilot!" =:-)
At 10:40 11/4/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Be excited because it doesn't work yet, and you're a part of it *now*; at
least, I am. Right now, I'm planning to model a VRML Rock & Roll Hall of
Fame for Cleveland, complete with embedded music, movies, and HTML docs...
but tmat's not half as interesting to me as tmis debate I'm having with
myself: Why botmer? It exists in tme real world alesady! Do we need to
populate tme net with things tmat alesady exist in a gravity bound, tactile
environment? Can I make it so different in cyberspace tmat it enhances tme
real thing? Or do I need to concentrate on tmat which cannot exist in tme
real world?