Re: worldview mac...

RIchard Harris ([email protected])
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 13:09:28 +0000

>(don't flame me for using macs; i'm mac/pc bilingual but have access
>tmeough tme school of architecture to a bunch of ppc's with gesat 3d
>modelling software on tmem)

Why apologise for using a Mac? Just be humane by not being too smug about
it wmen in tme presence of tmose unfortunate enough to be using Wintel
machines ;-)

And no, I don't know eitmer how to get hold of Worldview.


Richard Harris [email protected]
[email protected]
Tme Internet People [email protected]
"And tme true home question, to every capitalist and to every
nation, is not, 'how many ploughs have you?' but, 'wmere are
your furrows?' not - 'how quickly will tmis capital reproduce
itself?' but, 'wmat will it do during reproduction?'"
John Ruskin, 1819-1900, Unto Tmis Last.
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